
A MGPU program deals with multiple GPUs in one system. To manage and assign work to each GPU, MGPU creates one thread for each device. Thus to get started, a runtime environment mgpu::environment should be initialized first. This is not mandatory: some of the functionality of the MGPU library can be used from a single thread. For many of the advanced features of the library it is a requirement to initialize an environment.

By default the environment utilizes all available devices. However, you might only want to use a subset of all available GPUs in the system. The environment constructor allows you to do just that, as it accepts a mgpu::dev_group object that specifies which devices should be used.

#include <mgpu/environment.hpp>
#include <mgpu/backend.hpp>

using namespace mgpu;

int main(void)
    // all available devices
    environment e;

  int devices = backend::get_dev_count();
  if(devices > 1)
    // explicitly specify all available devices
    environment e(dev_group::from_to(0, devices));

  if(devices > 2)
    // use devices 0, 1 and 2
    environment e(dev_group(0, 1, 2));

Since it is imperative that the mgpu::environment instance outlives any other object that relies on the environment, it is sensible to put all subsequent code in a separate scope.

Wrappers around vendor API functions a located in the mgpu::backend namespace. While still incomplete, these wrappers aim to present a unified API to different vendor interfaces such as CUDA and OpenCL.

Containers and Data Transfer

A major task when dealing with GPU systems and especially multi-GPU systems is communication: moving data between host and the different device memories can quickly become confusing. To simplify this task the MGPU library provides a set of containers and compatible transfer functions.

Simple Device Vector

The following example shows a simple use of MGPU containers from a single thread. Two vectors are allocated on different devices (if possible). The device is switched temporarily for a scope using an instance of the mgpu::dev_set_scoped class.

#include <vector>
#include <mgpu/container/dev_vector.hpp>
#include <mgpu/backend.hpp>
#include <mgpu/transfer/copy.hpp>

using namespace mgpu;

int main(void)
  // allocate memory
  std::vector<float> host_in(3, 42.), host_out(3, 0.);
  dev_vector<float> dev(3);

  // copy to device
  copy(host_in, dev.begin());

  // if more than 1 device: host -> device0 -> device1 -> host
  int devices = backend::get_dev_count();
  if(devices > 1)
    dev_set_scoped s(1);
    dev_vector<float> dev2(3);
    // copy from device0 to device1 and back to host
    copy(dev, dev2.begin());
    copy(dev2, host_out.begin());
  else // if not: host -> device -> host
    copy(dev, host_out.begin());

  printf("in %f %f %f | out %f %f %f\n", host_in[0], host_in[1],
    host_in[2], host_out[0], host_out[1], host_out[2]);

Data is copied from host memory to device memory, from there to another device and then back to host memory. Notice that the interface of the mgpu::copy function is always the same, regardless of the arguments that are passed. It expects an input range and an output iterator. Other types can be adapted to be compatible with the interface through type traits. The library currently ships with traits for std::vector as well as boost::numeric::ublas::vector.

Segmented Device Vector

On to a more involved example. The MGPU library draws many ideas from the Segmented Iterator concept. It fits multi-GPU architectures well since such systems are composed of segments of discontinuous memory. The most important class in this regard is the segmented device vector or mgpu::seg_dev_vector. It enables you to allocate a large vector, cut the vector in slices and distribute those slices across the devices of your choosing. The following example illustrates this feature:

#include <vector>
#include <mgpu/container/seg_dev_vector.hpp>
#include <mgpu/transfer/copy.hpp>
#include <mgpu/synchronization.hpp>

using namespace mgpu;

int main(void)
  environment e;
    // allocate memory
    std::vector<float> host_in(e.size(), 42.), host_out(e.size(), 0.);
    seg_dev_vector<float> dev(e.size());

    // copy to device and from device
    copy(host_in, dev.begin());
    copy(dev, host_out.begin());
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<e.size(); i++)
      printf("in: %f out %f\n", host_in[i], host_out[i]);

A segmented vector dev is allocated - it’s size is the size of the environment which is the number of devices in the system. The dev object is composed of multiple vectors, one vector on each device. The size of each vector is 1. The mgpu::copy function the fact that a segmented range is passed and scatters the host vector across all devices. When copying the data back, the segments are gathered back into one vector on the host.

Since all operations that are executed in the context of an environment are asynchronous, it is necessary to wait for completion of the copies before the memory can be accessed. mgpu::synchronize_barrier() helps in this case:

  • it synchronizes all devices; it blocks until all operations that were scheduled for a device are finished
  • it inserts a barrier; no device can continue executing until all other devices have reaches this barrier
  • it blocks the calling thread until the previous two conditions are met

In this example the vector is distributed equally across all devices. The way the vector is split can be controlled using a different segmented vector constructor. A blocksize can be passed as an additional parameter. It specifies the minimum block size that the splitting algorithm is allowed to cut the vector in. Local vector size on each device is always be a multiple of the blocksize.

seg_dev_vector<float> dev(128, 8);

In this example the overall vector is of size 128 and it is split in chunks of 8.

Invoking Kernels

Copying data back and forth between memories certainly is not all you will want to do. We hope to simplify this so that you can focus on what matters most: implementing the algorithms that process the data once they are on the device. Launching and managing kernels on a multi-GPU system can be tedious. We thus provide helper functions to simplify this.

The functions mgpu::invoke_kernel() and mgpu::invoke_kernel_all() invoke user specified functions in the desired device thread and context. The former invokes a function in one device context (which device rank must be specified as the last parameter) and the latter invokes a function in all device contexts. These functions have a couple of features that come in handy when dealing with multiple GPUs:

  • if a seg_dev_vector is passed to on of the invoke functions, the function called through invoke is not passed the entire segmented vector but a reference to the local vector relevant to the current device; this can be disabled for situations where a kernel needs to see the entire segmented vector, for example for peer-to-peer memory access (this is also true for segmented streams mgpu::seg_dev_stream and segmented iterators mgpu::seg_dev_iterator)
  • the device id (hardware) or the device rank (device enumeration in the environment) can be passed to the function called by invoke
  • if a function is invoked for multiple devices (mgpu::invoke_kernel_all()) one of the devices can be selected to carry out a special task

The following example shows how a kernel could be called using the invoke facilities of the MGPU library.

#include <mgpu/invoke_kernel.hpp>
#include <mgpu/container/seg_dev_vector.hpp>
#include <mgpu/synchronization.hpp>
#include <mgpu/environment.hpp>

using namespace mgpu;

template <typename T>
void kernel_caller(dev_range<T> dev,
  std::vector<std::size_t> & vec, dev_rank_t rank, bool select)
  // here you would call a kernel using backend syntax (e.g. CUDA)
  vec[rank] = dev.size();
  if(select) printf("rank %d was selected\n", rank);

int main(void)
  environment e;
    seg_dev_vector<float> dev_vec(42);
    std::vector<std::size_t> sizes(e.size());
    invoke_kernel_all(kernel_caller<float>, dev_vec, sizes,
      pass_dev_rank, select_one);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<e.size(); i++)
      printf("rank %d size %lu\n", i, sizes[i]);

The kernel_caller function is a stub that is invoked in the device thread and context. It can launch the desired kernel itself on the device. Passing the seg_dev_vector translates to a dev_range that corresponds to the local section of the segmented vector on the current device. The pass_dev_rank object is an indicator to insert each devices rank as an argument. To clarify: the call to invoke_kernel_all enqueues the kernel_caller function for each device with device-specific parameters.


The MGPU library is in two ways asynchronous. The first asynchronous layer is the backend. Most backend-functions are asynchronous and can be synchronized using synchronize* functions. The second layer is part of the MGPU library. For each device that is used, the library allocates a thread. Each thread receives jobs through a separate work-queue that is populated by the main thread (using copy, invoke etc. functions). barrier* functions can be used for synchronization on this layer. They synchronize the device work queues and optionally block the calling thread. There are combinations off the two functions provided as well.

Running Functions in Device Contexts

The environment of the MGPU library can not only be used to feed and manage devices but is also useful to implement multi-threaded CPU algorithms. The invoke* family of functions allows filling the device work queues without the special features that are available in the invoke_kernel* functions and gives simplified access to the MGPU threading functionality.

Advanced Data Transfer

Apart from the mgpu::copy function, we provide a broadcast function. It might be desirable to have the exact same vector on all devices. The following example demonstrates how the broadcast function allows you to clone a simple vector across all devices.

#include <vector>
#include <mgpu/container/seg_dev_vector.hpp>
#include <mgpu/transfer/copy.hpp>
#include <mgpu/transfer/broadcast.hpp>
#include <mgpu/synchronization.hpp>

using namespace mgpu;

int main(void)
  environment e;
    // allocate memory
    std::vector<float> host_in(1, 42.), host_out(e.size(), 0.);
    seg_dev_vector<float> dev(e.size());

    // copy to device and from device
    broadcast(host_in, dev.begin());
    copy(dev, host_out.begin());
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<e.size(); i++)
      printf("in: %f out %f\n", host_in[0], host_out[i]);

The host vector is only of size 1. It’s content is broadcasted to the segmented device vector: each segment will contain the same data after the broadcast. The data is then gathered to host memory to access the result.

Distributed Batched FFTs

Multi-GPU systems are well suited to parallelize batched FFT plans. The MGPU library provides facilities to automatically distribute FFT plans across all available devices. Single FFTs can currently not be split across devices but it works well with batches of FFTs. The following example illustrates how 2D FFTs are distributed across devices.

#include <vector>

#include <mgpu/fft.hpp>
#include <mgpu/container/seg_dev_vector.hpp>
#include <mgpu/transfer/copy.hpp>
#include <mgpu/synchronization.hpp>

using namespace mgpu;

int main(void)
  environment e;
    unsigned int dim = 128;
    unsigned int batch = 15;

    std::size_t blocksize = dim*dim;
    std::size_t size = blocksize*batch;

    std::vector<std::complex<float> > host_in(size, std::complex<float>(0));
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > host_out(size, std::complex<float>(0));

    std::generate(host_in.begin(), host_in.end(), rand);

    seg_dev_vector<std::complex<float> > in(size, blocksize);
    seg_dev_vector<std::complex<float> > out(size, blocksize);

    copy(host_in, in.begin());

    // plan 2D FFT batch with dimension and batch
    fft<std::complex<float>, std::complex<float> > f(dim, dim, batch);

    f.forward(in, out);
    f.inverse(out, in);

    // fetch result
    copy(in, host_out.begin());

15 2D FFTs each of size 128*128 are calculated in parallel on as many devices as are available in the system. Input and output buffers are first allocated on the host. Vectors of the same size but segmented and with the proper blocksize (the size of one 2D FFT) are then allocated on the devices. A FFT plan is created - it is implicitly segmented. The forward and inverse functions can be called to calculate the actual transform.